The Book of Destiny

A review on predictions, prophecy, and the masters of time

Ashley NepTUNE
13 min readFeb 27, 2021
Chichén Itzá

What is humanity's destiny?

The destiny of all the inhabitants on this earth is connected. It’s not a question of races or nations, much less or sectors, and even less so of sects.” The western culture found its answer in the form of material reasoning, while the Eastern world developed based on natural thinking.” — Don Isidro — Mayan sage


In one’s lifetime comes a practice or concept that changes EVERYTHING. This was for me; the teachings of The Book of Destiny. Its contents ignite the core of our being. Something this profound, and impactful, deserves more than a review; it’s a study of a lifetime.

Maya Codex

Such a masterpiece is sculpted in hieroglyphs. Preserved for thousands of years. Decoded by masters of language. Revealing knowledge of our ancestors to assist civilizations of the future.

Could these hieroglyphs be so powerful that they illuminated those who created them?

To the Mesoamericans, the teaching of these glyphs have influenced; Olmec, Aztec, Toltec, and Mayan cultures. The answers and direction these people come from:

The Book of Destiny; The Ch’muilal Wuj.

The review of this book is taken from the perspective of two shamans from Guatemala. They are Mayan priests from the Mayan Elders Council and Eagles Clan lineage. Translated into English, their words can bring shivers and goosebumps. Universal truth spirals out, the wisdom of the Cosmo-Vision.

What once was authorized only by select guides, can now be read and practiced by the common man.


From: The Book of Destiny — unlocking the secrets of the ancient Mayans and the prophecy of 2012 — Carlos Barrios

Prophecy embraces man’s deepest yearning to know what lies beyond what he can see. Man’s most trivial concerns are as wide as the mind can stretch.

The act of prophesying is the ability to access the memory of the future. Dionisio Yacoc, a Q’anjob’al visionary says that humans have always been intrigued by visions of the future. He and the Mayans believe this is great knowledge, and whoever is born with this ability has a duty to develop it. The prophets of the Maya are learned, traditional people.

“All of the Mayan prophecies that were made public have come true on the predicted dates”

As did projections for the war in Iraq, the tsunamis, and events that are occurring in Asia such as the economic booms in China, India, and Malaysia. The Maya and their knowledge are becoming the focus of more attention. The hieroglyphs and codices of the ancient Maya that have survived the conquest of the Americas, preserve what little remains of their history.

Mayan Glyphs

There were many books in existence at the time of the Spanish conquest of Yucatán in the 16th century; most were destroyed by the Catholic priests.

Many in Yucatán were ordered destroyed by Bishop Diego de Landa in July 1562. In his conviction of the superiority and absolute truth of Christianity, De Landa wrote:

“We found a large number of books in these characters and, as they contained nothing in which were not to be seen as superstition and lies of the devil, we burned them all, which they regretted to an amazing degree, and which caused them much affliction.”

Reality is the vision we have of what surrounds us, but there are other, much more subtle realities that are more important. As humans evolved, they lost this ability to perceive and are thus disconnected from the cosmos, in a state of neglect that they seek to fill the material goods. This only condemns them to self-destruction and is the reason a return to the Natural Order is imperative.” — Ramon Carbala, Mayan Mam traditionalist and thinker


Our Grandfathers left an extraordinary legacy to humanity, one that synthesizes all of the wisdom of the ancient world. It is the most useful and transcendent instrument for both individuals and nations because it gives us the information we need for full, harmonious self-realization. I am speaking of none other than the sacred Cholq’ij or Tzolkin calendar, the count of days.


This instrument allows each of us to find our place in the world, understand our propensities, strengths, and weaknesses, and lead an existence that is in harmony with our life purpose and thus reach our full potential.

As guardians of the tradition, we H-Menob’ have a special commitment, Don Pascual said. Our primary mission is to keep a record of time and count the cycles because they contain the history of the world. Every cycle of fold in the infinite spiral of the great Kan (micro spiral) is an eternal return that results in similar events in the following cycle.

This is what makes it possible for us to know our destiny; just as we know the path that the Sun and Grandmother Moon traces as they come and go day after day, so do we as humans come and go. This is the way in which we know how to cast a fortune and predict events.” — Don Pascual

The Book of Destiny

The Chu’milal Wuj, the Book of Destiny, is one of the most important Mayan books. It is preserved in absolute secrecy by the guardians of the tradition and used as the basis for the social and spiritual organizations of the ancient Classic Mayan world as well as the traditional Mayan world of today.

For many centuries, it was reserved solely for use by Ajq’ijab’, since it is the responsibility of the Mayan spiritual guides to direct human beings and astrologers who specialized in the Mayan signs.

The Book of Destiny, or Book of Fate, as it is called, is based on the sacred Cholq’ij calendar. It is the ancestral technique of using the information in the Cholq’ij calendar regarding the different meanings of the twenty nawales (days), the year bearer (reigning energy), and the Mayan Cross. This advanced system provides the key to handling energies and predicting the future, especially for personal use. It is used to awaken our inner knowledge.

Don Pacual

The Cholq’ij is mathematically perfect; changes never have been and never will be made to it. Its precision is the result of centuries of observation and study by great Mayan astronomers, astrologers, mathematicians, and wise men. It is the perfect instrument for understanding our purpose in the marvel that is life. It is the best gift our Grandfathers could have left us.”

– Don Pacual — Mayan Mam Sage

DNA Activation

The energy and information in each day’s nawal, both positive and negative according to the different stages of life, is used to guide people, help them find their purpose, indicate aspects that will allow them to achieve this goal, and thus shape their destiny. The relationship of the fixed or mobile cycles of change that govern people must also be kept in mind. Through a person’s sign, we can establish the abilities, gifts, spiritual qualities, or paranormal properties that person possesses and outline the places or energy centers that will help him or her develop.

Matt Belair’s Prophecy and Wisdom Painting

Every energy center, or altar, manifests a different strength based on the convergence of cosmic and telluric energies. Some are more powerful than others, and there are certain days when such places are particularly strong. A diagram that outlines potentially beneficial dates makes it much easier for a person to follow the correct path.

To activate these energies at the different altars we must perform a traditional ceremony according to the corresponding element on the appropriate day and time. When we are in tune and in harmony with the altar, the information we require can be transmitted to us so that we can activate or decode it.

Activation occurs in our DNA by unblocking the knowledge and preparing our body to awaken our internal powers.

The altars possess information that various H=Menob’ (Mayan priests) have kept there for thousands of years.


There are more than 5,000 natural altars in Mesoamerica, and at least 2,000 have remained active for centuries. Our Grandfathers also built more than 260,000 ceremonial centers, including the pyramids and temples that were created for energy purposes as narrated in the Books of Chilam Balam.

Mayan Ceremony

The practice of following Mayan signs enabled the traditional Classic Mayan world to be a harmonious civilization. No one lived in opposition to their own energies and destiny. Everyone respected each other because they knew they were all part of an evolutionary whole in the cosmic plan.

The mandate that each person was born with was honoured. Thus, if a boy was born into a family of farmers on the day Oxlajuj Tz’I, his mandate was to be a just man and a great judge: throughout his childhood, he would be taught everything to prepare for his future position. His higher status would be respected and accepted from the moment he was born.

Everyone had a role. No one laboured at anything other than what they were born to do as indicated in their sign.

Everyone, therefore, grew in a unified and enriching manner, completely in tune with their own makeup and with Mother Nature.

This extraordinarily harmonious view of coexistence may seem idealistic, but according to our Grandfathers’ prophecies, this is how humankind will return and reign when the changes in the new cycle have fully taken hold.

Ancestral Wisdom

We are living in prophetic times. The era our Grandfathers prepared us for has arrived, this time of 12 baktun 6 Ajaw, the Return of the Wise Men, after B’olom Tiku’, or the Great Night, a period that lasted almost five hundred years, from the time of the conquest until August 1987.

Next came a period of five years, the transition, when the gates of knowledge were opened to all people, all nations. As of that date, according to orders from the Elders, anyone who came to the Great Tradition with a genuine desire to find their destiny would be given that opportunity.

Many great sages have been reincarnated in different parts of the world, and they will be the ones to bring comprehension and harmony.

Mayan Cosmovision

The times we are living in require great clarity. It is a transcendent time. As a result, word will spread to the world’s native traditions, including our own, all of which are extremely valuable.

It’s important to follow an active spiritual path without fundamentalism or dogmatism. These times require a tradition that is pragmatic, clear, and congruent with Mother Nature.

We Have reached the pinnacle of materialism, frivolity, and all that is transient. Everything has been dulled-our minds and our senses. Led by technology, we have lost our way.

We are all responsible for this. Everyone lives for the minute and cares more about what’s on the outside than the inside. Sadly, there’s nothing but a great void, an enormous fear inside most of us.

It’s easier to dull our senses with vain delusions than to really look at ourselves. People are so afraid to be alone that they need distractions like the television and radio. Worse still, they avoid facing the true meaning of their existence by using drugs.

Mayan drugs are made from the sacred plants we inherited and are only taken to help us reach our full potential through strict ceremonial usage, supervised by masters who are fully aware of their effects and how to control them. The chemical alterations these plants have undergone and the negativity surrounding them has overshadowed any benefits.

Now many are coming back to the ancestral wisdom and the Natural Order. This is when the right guide and individual orientation are important. Great changes begin with just one person, oneself. Here I must highlight the significance of bringing the initial use of the Ch’umilal Wuj to light, in the hope that it will motivate people to move deeper into realizing their value and destiny.

Remember, that in both the ancient Classical Mayan world and today’s traditional Mayan world a newborn is immediately taken before the wise day keeper-the Ajq’ij or Chi-Mam who knows the signs.

A person should never go through life without being conscious of his or her life purpose, abilities, propensities, and different cycles, both positive and negative.”

– Don Pascual,Mayan Mam Sage

Carlos Barrios

10 Mayan Teachings

Before departing this world, Carlos Barrios left 10 teachings of the Maya, some are from his book of destiny.

Click here for: Link to Full Article

  • 1. “They Mayan world follows an organic path based on the Natural Order, respect for Mother Nature, and both cosmic and earthly influences.”
  • 2. “Technological advances haven’t increased our quality of life, they have just increased the quantity of things we can accumulate.”
  • 4. “The wonder of creation is found in the little things. We need to live in harmony and expand our sensibilities.”
  • 5. “Life is about finding the answers inside, awakening the knowledge and powers that lie dormant, controlling our desires, using the strengths of our mind for spiritual growth, and projecting ourselves into the supreme.”
  • 6. “Human existence is negligible when compared to the age of Earth, so why do we try to possess it?”
  • 7. “Modern life has very little to do with appreciating the world around us; it is about rushing here and there, filled with an urgency that doesn’t allow for personal growth.”
  • 8. “Reality is the vision we have of what surrounds us, but there are other, much more subtle realities that are more important.” -Ramón Carbala, Mayan Mam traditionalist and thinker
  • 9. “If beings outside the human race were to come and observe us, what would they say?”
  • 10. “Together with other native peoples, we are calling out to our younger brothers, asking them to stop playing the illusory game they’re caught up in and return to a harmonious life.”

Crafted and Curated by Drew Ashley A humble student of this human experience, spinning on a curved globe within the Milky Way galaxy.

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Ashley NepTUNE
Ashley NepTUNE

Written by Ashley NepTUNE

Life is a series of dreams. Music is my savior. Writing is my muse. Super plants are my lucky charms. With a passion for exploration, the path is infinite.

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