Meet the Devil 👹

Extrospection of a Red Hot Icon 👅🔥🍒🖤

Ashley NepTUNE
20 min readFeb 24, 2021
Ryan Reynolds in’s dating advertisement

Ozzy Osbourne isn’t the only Prince of Darkness

Hell of a Ride 🔥

This love story is a match made in hell. Ryan Reynolds plays The Devil in the latest advertisements of’s online dating. 2020 was a great year for The Devil. His popularity affected more than those who watched his commercials.

He is the fear and loathing found in sin cities many call home. To the singles looking to mingle, online he is the new dating guru 💞.

The Devil gets a lot of credit. Musicians and cinema alike sell a lot of tickets in his name. Loved by some, hated by others, his character often plays the same role. I couldn’t find his royalty statistics online, but I’m sure he does well. After all, contracts are his thing, sign here…………!🖋

Many interesting events occurred while gathering information on this inferno rock star 🎸. The power cut out 3 times and the cats starting sleeping by my side. This project kept getting pushed aside and dragged on. The Devil has a tricky way of playing the long game. After a month off and on, I wasn’t sure this would see the light of day.

Man sues farther in law for terrorizing him

When I was a kid, I remembered the Tasmanian Devil because of the cartoon character. I remember thinking;

Who is The Devil?

The purpose of this article is to share another view of this vast figure. Not my personal view, rather a broad view based on some of the most interesting findings on “his majesty of darkness.”

The Devils Bible

“42% of readers gave The Devil’s Bible a 5 star review on Amazon.”

Recommended in this article are some very interesting books I’ve come a-cross✝. Click on the underlined links, there are too many to mention. The bloody 🩸 truth according to such courageous authors is for the thirsty readers. No coffins needed ⚰, maybe a bloody mary 🍷 or glass of red wine when your done (I promise no more horrifying jokes) 😱.

Re-WARD-ing has been the result of this research. The rabbit hole one can find is not to be taken lightly, but safely. Napoleon Hill’s book “Outwitting the Devil” was considered too controversial in 1938 and wasn’t published until 2011. 10 years later, we are still discovering hypnotic information on this red hot mess called The Devil.

Prince Of Darkness

A shadow is cast in our footsteps, reminding us of the dark side. There are similarities between The Devil and The Joker, but as we will see, they are 15 cards apart.

Even the mention of the Devil raises a few eyebrows. How many names does The Devil have? The Dark One, the Prince of Darkness, the Evil One, the Wicked One, the Lord of the Underworlds. There are 6 satanic holidays and 76 Infernal names of antihero figures from mythology intended for use in Satanic ritual. In research of Demonology and Devil-lore, the number of deities related to the devil is too many to name, hence, there is more than one supreme devil.

“It is through the darkness we are born into the light.”

1,000 Names

The rulers of our governing laws are religious, children of God, serving their citizens. What do these rulers think about The Devil? After all, Sin is profitable, legal by governing approval, and gambling alone is a big business.

Salvidor Dali’s 1984 Tarot Cards

The Devil, it has been said, is hydra-headed; he wears a thousand crowns, wields a thousand sceptres and is known by a thousand names. “I go by a thousand names,” says the devil to Tom Walker in Washington Irving’s well-known story (1824). In all European countries, men swear by a “thousand devils.” Alilton. Chateaubriand, Balzac and other writers speak of demons in thousands.

This number also occurs in several German expressions, such as “Saiif hi iausend Teufel Nanien” and “Steh in tauscnd Teufel Nanien anf” But this sum should not be taken literally. As a matter of fact, the number of evil spirits runs into millions.

Hell, the Devil, and Karma: Samael Aun Weor was a spiritual teacher and author of over sixty books of esoteric spirituality and Gnosticism. The three main religions in the West―Judaism, Christianity, and Islam―share a common belief of a region called “hell,” where it is said that the souls of the dead suffer eternal punishment. Yet, few who follow those religions realize that their beliefs are very similar to those of the Greeks, Romans, Chinese, Hindus, Buddhists, etc., who also describe hells, devils, and punishment for sinners, and each also indicates how to avoid falling into hell. The similarities among religions are more than mere coincidence since all emerged from the same root.

Astronomy & Lucifer

The Latin word corresponding to Greek “Phosphoros” is “Lucifer”. It is used in its astronomical sense both in prose and poetry. Poets sometimes personify the star, placing it in a mythological context.

“The fourth star is that of Venus, Luciferous by name. Some say it is Juno’s. In many tales, it is recorded that it is called Hesperus, too. It seems to be the largest of all the stars. Some have said it represents the son of Aurora and Cephalus, who surpassed many in beauty, so that he even vied with Venus, and, as Eratosthenes says, for this reason, it is called the star of Venus. It is visible both at dawn and sunset and so properly has been called both Luciferous and Hesperus.”

“Lucifer has become a byword for Satan or the devil in the church and in popular literature”

— Dante Alighieri’s Inferno, Joost van den Vondel’s Lucifer, and John Milton’s Paradise Lost.

Venus/Vis-a-vis: As a name for the planet in its morning aspect, “Lucifer” (Light-Bringer) is a proper name and is capitalized in English. Lucifer is the name of various mythological and religious figures associated with the planet Venus. The Planet’s orbit forms a Pentagram around the sound. Venus is associated with beauty, it is the planet of love, and also, the planet of the underworld.

Author Liz Greene’s book: Saturn-A New Look At An Old Devil

Saturn — A New Look At An Old Devil. Also known as Saturnus, was the Roman god of Capitol, wealth, agriculture, liberation, time and the former king of the Roman gods. Saturn rules Capricorn and Mars is exalted in Capricorn. Mars governs our Sex Drive and creative energy hence this card has a very strong link to the material side of life and self-ambition. Saturn is also the planet of boundaries and limitations, time, and the cycles of life and death. In the Tarot Major Arcana, Saturn is associated with both the World and the Devil and in their lowest reflection, they represent earthly existence with awareness firmly rooted in the associated pleasures and pains that it brings. Being chained to the creation we are therefore ruled by Karma.

Saturn is also known as the black planet of The Devil.

Saturn the Devil Planet:

Divination & The Occult

Atlantis is said to be the origin of the 52 Oracle divination cards, including The Joker. Somewhere between Egypt and Italy, the 78 Tarot Cards were birthed, containing within them; The Devil card. Camelia Elias is an author on cartomancy under the signature Read Like the Devil. Not so far in the distance, kings and queens would be advised by oracles who foretold the future. Warning of dark spirits that could penetrate the castle's mighty fortress.

In Tarot, the Devil Card represents the Zodiac sign; Capricorn (Dec 22 — Jan 19).

“The Devil in Tarot is the most misunderstood card of the deck.”

The Devil Tarot Card can represent those aspects of ourselves that we hide away and are afraid to come to terms with, as well as those things other people may not like.

occult depiction of good and evil, sun and moon

Historically the Devil represents that which society is afraid of. Someone or some situation in your life offends your highest ideals. Outward appearances though can, like the material world be deceiving and therefore we may have people around us that are reflecting part of ourselves that we find difficult to accept.

The first stage of overcoming this ‘shadow part’ of ourselves is acceptance in order to transcend it. We are then in a better position to show tolerance to others and come to a greater understanding of all the aspects of ourselves. Sounds like the story of every Guru, Master, Yogi, and Monk.

Aleister Crowley’s Thoth Devil card

The Thoth Devil Tarot card expresses the realm of the taboo — the culturally rejected wildness and undigested shadow side that each of us carries in our subconscious. This shadow is actually at the core of our being, which we cannot get rid of and will never succeed in taming. Related to the letter Ayin meaning ‘EYE’. The third eye can be seen in the image of The Devil in the Toth Tarot Deck of Aleister Crowly.

The Thoth Devil Tarot Card represents ‘tunnel vision,’ he is one-pointed in his attention and usually, this is some sort of material goal although not always. It can relate to career, ambition and the fighting for and defending oneself and looking out for one’s own best interests, so this is certainly not always a negative card to receive in a reading. It implies that we can accomplish much if we are focused on our life.

The Devil is not distracted by other things and possibilities; he is very much focused on his task at hand. Crowley is keen to point out that there is no universal sense of morality. Nature has no morality and morality is not cut and dry but is cultural.

Man is keen to make morality a cut and dry thing. The Devil is the Devil because he does not take sway of human morality. His nature is just to revel in the process of creation and materialism, whatever form that may take.

Light Prophet

Benebell Wen: An author, blogger, and tarot card reader has this to say about Crowley’s Thoth Deck:

Aleister Crowley: Occultist, ceremonial magician, poet, painter, and novelist.

You can avoid the Thoth because you don’t like the artwork, but to avoid a deck of cards because you think its creator was reincarnated Satan is a little bit– just a little bit– absurd.

And, you know, I would give the real Satan a lot more credit. Reincarnated Satan or the Anti-Christ isn’t going to look and act like Aleister Crowley. Satan is going to look and act like a Love and Light Prophet.”


Christ’s birthday is the 25th of December & is within the sign of Capricorn. There is ironically a strong link to the Christian Kabbalah in this card through its association with both the Tree of Life and its Astrology. The Devil represents incarnation and the Word made flesh, the clothing that spirit takes on in order to descend into the world of form. It is the 26th path from Tiphareth to Hod. Tiphareth is the solar centre of the Tree of Life and represents Christ Consciousness.

Tiphareth is the 6th Solar Center of the Qabalah

In Jewish Mysticism, Gnosticism, Hermeticism, and Esoteric Religions; Astrology, the Tree of Life, and Tarot, all merge in the teachings of the Kabbalah (Qabalah).

The Devil Card is placed between 6 (Tiphareth) and 8 (Hod) representing Personality in the Solar Center.


The Devil was a Christian Creation according to scholars, but many of his characteristics are derived from PAN, the mythical God of music, sheep, nature and shepherds.

Goat = Pan Pangenitor = life force.

Pans head looked human but from the waist down he was a goat. Pan was a God of PHYSICAL PLEASURES including sexuality, food and drink.

He was closely associated with Dionysus, the God of Wine and as a result, the Devil Card can be associated with alcohol or drug abuse.

Minor God Pan

It is from this association that this card is associated with uncontrolled desire, erotic pleasures, and hedonism.

Crowley states that the card represents the complete appreciation of all existing things, with all things equally exalting him, finding ecstasy in everything. So he just rejoices in the material world without casting moral judgement.


In Numerology, it is understood that numbers possess particular qualities that function like personality traits, exerting their influence wherever they are detected. Entrapment is assigned the number 15, which reduces to 6 (15 is 1+5=6). The number 6 is about responsibility and harmony. The choice is the other 6 in the deck.

Rider Waite Tarot Card — The Devil

The Symbolic Meaning of Number 15 is associated with the 15th card of the Tarot, which many believe to be the most negative card in the deck. The Devil is associated primarily with sensuality and ego; both of these characteristics can be detected in number 15 by examining its individual digits.

The number 1 has many positive leadership qualities, but it also faces the challenge of keeping the ego in check.

The number 5, you may remember, is the number of sensual or materialistic pleasures.

A great place to find the antidote to the excessive ego characteristics inherent in 15 is in the I Ching. The 15th Kua of the I Ching is usually translated as Humility or Modesty. The Number 15, Balance and Karma.

If you can achieve a balance among your activities you can avoid the various traps that 15‘s ego qualities and interest in sensual pleasures can set for you.

I was intrigued by Tommy Chong’s story about the I Ching on Joe Rogan’s Podcast. I searched for the I Ching Book of Changes; one of the oldest books of humanity, and below it was 64 I Ching Oracle cards. 64 hexagrams that express an archetypical truth, 4,096 possible combinations.

36 Ming I = Darkening of the light (I Ching)

Written the same year as “Extraordinary Adventures in Devil’s Paradise,” Terrence and Dennis McKenna also wrote; The Invisible Landscape: Mind, Hallucinogens, and the I Ching.

The Garden Of Eden

Anton Parks is the author of, “Eden,” and translator of ancient Sumerian clay tablets. The following is transcribed from GAIA Channel’s show, “Ancient Civilizations.”

Anton Parks Transcription from Sumerian texts

Enlil is often referred to as the GREAT SATAM, the Master Administrator. In Sumerian texts, Enlil systematically asks Enki to go negotiate and talk with the humans. He is always the one to deal with them. Remember, he is a humanoid with reptilian features. And in Sumerian tablets, he is always, or very often, called The Serpent, just like in the Bible.

“SATAM” in Sumerian means “the administrator.”

He’s the only one the humans are going to see. And when they see him, they see a serpent like humanoid. I reckon this is why they call him the serpent in the garden. He is a friend of the humans.

Early cylinder seals of the garden of Eden

According to Parks, the Sumerian version of this story translates Yahweh, or the Biblical God, into The GREAT SATAM, which according to Sumerian texts, is ENLIL (not Enki), and the serpent in the garden as ENKI, who has become a friend of the humans.

Enlil views humans as animals [A-DAM: Animal, of the earth] and Enki believes that humans can be regarded as part of or equal to the gods.

Genesis & The Tree of Knowledge

Despite the fact that the Book of Genesis never mentions Satan, Christians have traditionally interpreted the serpent in the Garden of Eden as Satan due to Revelation 12:7, which calls Satan “that ancient serpent.”

The Spirit Molecule DMT

Ethnobotanist Terrence McKenna identified the species known as the tree of knowledge to contain the molecule DMT. This molecule that our brain naturally produces is also found in many sacred ancestral plants known as Ayahuasca. These plants are known for their powerful healing abilities, and what is described as the “death of the ego” effect. In the book; Food of the Gods, Terrence McKenna searches for the Original Tree of Knowledge.

It’s not only possible, but plausible that Moses’ legendary encounter with the ever-burning bush, his conversation with Yahweh, and the bestowing of the Torah could have happened to him while he was under the influence of DMT, according to professor of cognitive psychology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Benny Shanon.

Jesus, The Pope, Holy Figures and The Devil holding up 2 fingers

A revised version of biblical history can be read by Rick Strassman M.D and author of DMT and the Soul of Prophecy: A New Science of Spiritual Revelation in the Hebrew Bible.

“The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he did not exist.” Keyser Soze from the movie: The Usual Suspects

According to Sufi mysticism, Iblis refused to bow to Adam because he was fully devoted to God alone and refused to bow to anyone else. For this reason, Sufi masters regard Satan and Muhammad as the two most perfect monotheists. Sufis reject the concept of dualism and instead believe in the unity of existence. In the same way that Muhammad was the instrument of God’s mercy, Sufis regard Satan as the instrument of God’s wrath.

In the Baha’i Faith, Satan is not regarded as an independent evil power as he is in some faiths but signifies the lower nature of humans.

`Abdu’l-Bahá explains: “This lower nature in man is symbolized as Satan — the evil ego within us, not an evil personality outside.”

Atheistic Satanism

Practiced by the Satanic Temple and by followers of LaVeyan Satanism, holds that Satan does not exist as a literal anthropomorphic entity, but rather as a symbol of a cosmos which Satanists perceive to be permeated and motivated by a force that has been given many names by humans over the course of time.

Lucifer the Light Bearer

In this religion, “Satan” is not viewed or depicted as a hubristic, irrational, and fraudulent creature, but rather is revered with Prometheus-like attributes, symbolizing liberty and individual empowerment. To adherents, he also serves as a conceptual framework and an external metaphorical projection of the Satanist’s highest personal potential.

Archangel Lucifer

Luciferianism is a belief structure that venerates the fundamental traits that are attributed to Lucifer. The custom, inspired by the teachings of Gnosticism, usually reveres Lucifer not as the devil, but as a saviour, a guardian or instructing spirit or even the true god as opposed to Jehovah.

Léo Taxil (1854–1907) claimed that Freemasonry is associated with worshipping Lucifer.

In what is known as the Taxil hoax, he alleged that leading Freemason Albert Pike had addressed “The 23 Supreme Confederated Councils of the world” (an invention of Taxil), instructing them that Lucifer was God, and was in opposition to the evil god Adonai.

Lucifer the Morning Star

Supporters of Freemasonry assert that, when Albert Pike and other Masonic scholars spoke about the “Luciferian path,” or the “energies of Lucifer,” they were referring to the Morning Star, the light bearer, the search for light; the very antithesis of the dark. Pike says in Morals and Dogma, “Lucifer, the Son of the Morning!

“Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendours intolerable blinds feeble, sensual, or selfish Souls? Doubt it not!” — Albert Pike

The Devil

“The Superior Person takes from where it is too much and augments what is too little. That way all things are apportioned correctly.” — Confucius

Hot-Headed Humor

Confucius refers to keeping a sense of mindfulness and balance over all of life’s situations. When a person is in an unbalanced psychological state, these influences may develop into a sense of pride, covetousness and even addiction that is very much associated with the biblical interpretation of The Devil.

It is also important to grasp that the Devil has a fun side. He loves life, makes music and dances. As long as we are not attached to the material we can enjoy its paradox more.

Confessions of a White Vampire

Author and Canadian anthropologist Jeremy Narby in Peruvian Amazon

Today, the white vampire is known as the modern man, who brings destruction wherever he goes. This term was given to archeologists Jeremy Narby as an appropriate metaphor for the historical behaviour of Westerners in the Amazon, who has long acted as a sort of vampire, extracting natural and human resources. Jeremy Narby is the author of the book: Cosmic Serpent: DNA and Origins of Knowledge.

Man Worships an Invisible God and Destroys a Visible Nature

The modern man has forced upon his citizens; religion, government, taxes, and restrictions on freedoms and rights. Man (In God We Trust) has destroyed countless cultures (and their history) who live in peace and harmony. This madness is now threatening the survival of all human life.

In place of lost history is a civilization that adopts moral and ethical values that come with contradictions and question marks? To the indigenous, modern man has become possessed by corruption, greed, illness, and disease. These symptoms resemble the archetype of the devil; overindulgence, lust, materialism, and intoxication.

If Robinhood were here today, he would say: The Rich are destroying the earth, they have made a deal with The Devil.

“Vampires are the wealthy who spend billions while the poor starve. They worship the devil in the name of God.” — Anonymous

KARMA — Destruction is easier than creation says the devil. To take from this earth and not give back is common practice in modern times. What are our responsibilities? To show our children a better world is possible, or to pass on the demons to our children we have not faced?

We can see this metaphor in the movie — Enter The Dragon, the story of Bruce Lee. The Devil archetype represents karmic debt and energies from our family’s lineage we must deal with in this life. 4 months after this movie was made, Bruce Lee died.

The Devils Advocate

Today many have sympathy for this sinister archetype; The Devil. Empathy Deficit Disorder is a pervasive condition, overlooked and ignored as a psychological disturbance. Our increasingly polarized social and political culture of the past few years reveals that EDD is more severe than ever.

Left: Marsalis Tarot Card Le Diable, Center: Eliphas Levi Del picture of The Devil, Right: Rider Wait Tarot The Devil

“Without faith, we succumb to doubt, which, like fire, consumes everything in its path.” — The Path to the Yoga Sutras by Nicolai Bachman

Fallen Angel

“Hell is empty and all the devils are here” — William Shakespeare

13th century Poster Image

The devil was once an angel and still is a Capricorn ♑. Holding a karmic flag, our true values in life come from all directions. Looking into any reflection but a black mirror, we can make the changes necessary to outwit the devil. Clever he is, but mighty we are. In fine print he lurks, please read carefully, the devil is in the details.

Thanks to the sages, we have tools to helps us reach paradise city, where the grass is green, and “Guns and Roses” refer to a tea latte.

When facing your demons, remember the virgin mary full of grace punching the devil in the face.”

Brandon Lee plays The Crow

The Devil as we have known him can be found in tales, cartoons, and movies more than myths and sacred texts. Between pop culture and history, authors have been inspired to write what few will read.

If summoning angels seems too risky, borrow your neighbour's cat. The devil's favourite music is all the best rock and roll bands😝. Try not to listen to the same song 1,000 times or backwards. Sun-day 🟡 worship takes on a whole new meaning with Saturn-day ⚫ not too far behind. On a full black moon 🌑 with some tarot cards and you may shake your bones and rattle your toes.

With the glow of the candlelight 🕯🕯🕯 on a scary night, we face our shadows. Let us enjoy this life to the fullest, and indulge in moderation. Establish a relationship with our ego and serve Sanatan Dharma. Reaching heaven or hell is anyone’s free will. Whether you're a saint or a sinner, we all deserve L❤VE.

“The power of the truth rivals the rulers of the underworlds.”

Recommended Readings:

SATURN: A New Look to an Old Devil (paperback)

EDEN: The Sumerian Version of Genesis (kindle)

Hell, the Devil, and Karma: Secret Knowledge into Dante’s Inferno



Outwitting the Devil: The Secrets to Freedom and Success



***All other book references and links are underlined in the article.


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Ashley NepTUNE
Ashley NepTUNE

Written by Ashley NepTUNE

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